This article is about the theoretical concept. For social networking sites, see social networking service. For other uses, see Social network (disambiguation).
A social network diagram displaying friendship ties among a set of Facebook users.
SNA segment.png
Outline History
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Network science
Internet map 1024.jpg
Graph Complex network Contagion Small-world Scale-free Community structure Percolation Evolution Controllability Graph drawing Social capital Link analysis Optimization Reciprocity Closure Homophily Transitivity Preferential attachment Balance theory Network effect Social influence
Network types
Informational (computing) Telecommunication Transport Social Biological Artificial neural Interdependent Semantic Spatial Dependency Flow
Clique Component Cut Cycle Data structure Edge Loop Neighborhood Path Vertex Adjacency list / matrix Incidence list / matrix
Bipartite Complete Directed Hyper Multi Random Weighted
Metrics Algorithms
Centrality Degree Betweenness Closeness PageRank Motif Clustering Degree distribution Assortativity Distance Modularity Efficiency
Random graph Erdős–Rényi Barabási–Albert Watts–Strogatz Exponential random (ERGM) Hyperbolic (HGN) Hierarchical
Boolean network agent based Epidemic/SIR
Lists Categories
Topics Software Network scientists
Category:Network theory Category:Graph theory
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Social network analysis (SNA) is the use of network theory to analyse social networks. Social network analysis views social relationships in terms of network theory, consisting of nodes, representing individual actors within the network, and ties which represent relationships between the individuals, such as friendship, kinship, organizations and sexual relationships.[1][2] These networks are often depicted in a social network diagram, where nodes are represented as points and ties are represented as lines.
Social network analysis has emerged as a key technique in modern sociology. It has also gained a significant following in anthropology, biology, communication studies, economics, geography, history, information science, organizational studies, political science, social psychology, development studies, and sociolinguistics and is now commonly available as a consumer tool.
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